OPA works extensively on collaborations with other organizations to create opportunities for open conversations and lively debate. Therefore OPA likes to point out other institutions in the field of performance and live art.
OPA Network

Performance Art Netherlands (PA.NL)
Website: www.performanceart.nl
PA.NL is an independent organization under the umbrella of OPA. PA.NL supports events, projects and artists in the Netherlands. Both OPA and PA.NL were founded by Ronald Bal, for different aims of supporting live art/ performance art. PA.NL is focused on creating online visibility to live performance events and an artist archive in the Netherlands.

IBA – International Body of Arts
Website: https://iba.art/
IBA – International Body of Arts curates and collaborates with jong and established artists in Londen. OPA and IBA are collaborating in our program Making Public.

LADA – Live Art Development Agency
Website: www.performanceart.nl
LADA – Live Art Development Agency creates opportunities for the development of live art in the UK. OPA has collaborated with LADA in curating the educational screenings of live art in the Hague.

Venice International Performance Art Week
Website: https://veniceperformanceart.org/
Venice International Performance Art Week is an curatorial and educational program in the field of live art in Venice. Opa worked with the founders VestAndPage on numerous educational programs and live events in the Netherlands and in Venice.

Future Rituals
Website: https://futureritual.co.uk/
Future Rituals is a platform for live art events and performance workshops in the UK.

WORM Rotterdam
Website: https://worm.org/
WORM Rotterdam: Worm is an open organization for multiple live events in alternative screens in the Netherlands. In 2018 OPA worked together with WORM on creating live events and curatorial exhibitions at WORM UBIK and WORM S/ash Gallery.

ECC Performance Art
Website: https://europeanculturalcentre.eu/academy/eccperformanceart
ECC Performance Art is an online research and teaching platform dedicated to strengthening the discipline of performance art by providing artists and scholars with a range of tools and insights for their professional growth.

Performance Art Resources
Website: https://performanceartresources.com/
Performance Art Resources is an online archive with the aim of knowledge production and education in the field of live art/ performance art worldwide.
Other (independent) platforms in live art:
PS The Hague: PS The Hague focused on live art in the Netherlands.OPA worked with PS The Hague in numerous events over the last decade.
WolfArt Rotterdam: WolfArt was an open project space for art and design in Rotterdam. OPA worked together with WolfArt in 2018 as an open space for art and research.
Popop Performance Hub is not only a platform for the development of performance art in Nijmegen, but also a curator of engaging exhibitions in the Molenpoort.
Do you like to be part of our network? Please contact us.
OPA collaborations were generally supported by